Swarna Prashana

Swarna Prashana is an Ayurvedic treatment that involves the administration of gold bhasma (powdered gold) mixed with honey and ghee to boost immunity and promote overall health and wellbeing. The treatment is typically administered to children between the ages of 1 and 16 years, and is believed to help improve their cognitive function, memory, and intelligence.

The preparation of Swarna Prashana involves the purification and processing of gold bhasma to make it safe for human consumption. The bhasma is then mixed with honey and ghee, along with other herbs and spices, to create a potent and nourishing mixture that is easily absorbed by the body. The treatment is typically administered on a specific day of the lunar calendar, and is believed to be 

particularly effective during certain astrological alignments. The mixture is given to the child on an empty stomach, and is followed by a period of fasting and rest.

Nurture your child's health with the ancient Ayurvedic treatment of Swarna Prashna.

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