Jalouka avacharana

Jalouka avacharana, also known as leech therapy, is an ancient Ayurvedic treatment that involves the use of medicinal leeches to treat a variety of health conditions. The leeches are applied to specific areas of the body and allowed to draw out small amounts of blood, which is believed to help remove toxins and improve circulation.

The leeches used in Jalouka avacharana are carefully bred in sterile environments to ensure their safety and effectiveness. They are then placed on the skin and allowed to attach themselves with their powerful suction cup-like mouths. Once attached, the leeches secrete an enzyme that prevents the blood from clotting, allowing them to feed on the patient’s blood for up to an hour.

The therapy is typically used to treat conditions such as arthritis, varicose veins, and skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis. It is believed to help improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote healing in the affected areas.


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